What to do when you are feeling lost and lonely?
This usually happens quite a lot with everyone, especially when our expectations are set very high and we haven’t been able to achieve what we had expected to, when someone close just lets us go or is not giving us…
With time, do we take people less personally?
We often build our perceptions about people with time and the situations that we have been through, with them. Our seriousness of considering their opinions and thoughts is likely to depend on how well we have understood them, as a…
What should one do, if angry?
I close my eyes. I breathe. I seal my lips shut . I walk out, before my words can cause any damage. I try and hold back my anger as much as possible,until my nerves calm down .This has always…
What are some good daily practices/habits to achieve inner peace and develop positive personality?
Life can get hectic and overwhelming at times ,however by implementing small practices we can bring in peace and positivity to an extent. Ways to relax and rewind: Find some ways that work out for you to release stress. It can…
Is anger good or bad?
Every emotion has an upside. Usually anger is seen by most,as a negative emotion, and we somehow try and suppress it. However every emotion has a purpose and if used correctly,we can reap the benefits. Anger can be a motivating…
How to deal with terrifically bad moods?
Listen to some really good music. Music never fails at lifting your mood. Share your feelings with your loved one.Who knows,it may make you feel lighter? Hit the gym/Go for a jog/ Zumba /Meditate. Sweating it out may make you…