
What are some good daily practices/habits to achieve inner peace and develop positive personality?

Life can get hectic and overwhelming at times ,however by implementing small practices we can bring in peace and positivity to an extent.

  1. Ways to relax and rewind: Find some ways that work out for you to release stress. It can be anything. I personally find peace in painting,singing and working out.
  2. Organize your surroundings: Its very important to declutter your workplace/ home environment. Cleaner and simpler surroundings, can bring in a better clarity and can order your mind.
  3. Acceptance: Negative thoughts and experiences of the past can keep coming back and weigh you down. With acceptance,the emotions tend to lose the power. The negativity withheld reduces and it is easier to let go. Accept and let go,for your inner peace.
  4. Take a break: Backpack and go on a vacation. Bring about a momentary change by escaping from life and the monotonous daily routine. Read a good book or watch a nice TV show/series. All these work great in terms of relieving the stress which is built up within you.
  5. Social media: Make it a point to stay away from social media as much as possible. Daily posts from other’s tends to create a sense of unhappiness. We end up comparing our lives to the other’s,who are happier. This creates an unsettling feeling of wanting to compete and live the life that others are living,based on their successes.Dreams are alright,but not an extent where they constantly hurt you as a result of of jealousy and discomfort. Limit the number of times that you visit social media platforms. Let other’s successes motivate you and push you to do better in your own life,but setting standards is not a way to go. We all have had different life experiences and achieving things will happen at their own pace.
  6. Resolve issues immediately: Don’t let issues pile up,while you avoid them and get busy doing other things.Never procrastinate. Make it a point to solve them right away. The longer you wait,the stress just continues to grow. You may already know the answer to it,or what needs to be done,but haven’t been able to take the initiative to do so. If so,get up and get it sorted right away! This will definitely make your mind and soul will feel a lot lighter.
  7. Find daily motivation: Its important to find something that will keep you going through the day. It can be something as small as a motivating post,small term goals such as losing weight or maybe looking forward to going on a planned vacation etc. Setting goals, will help us sail smoothly and keep us focused on what we are doing.
  8. Breathe: Finally,don’t be too hard on yourself. Take things one at a time. Breathe and relax. Take things easy. Most importantly keep smiling.


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