The Unexpected theft
We were traveling to attend a function out station, and our bags were overstuffed with clothes and jewellery. Wanting to have a comfortable journey to the destination and back, we booked first class AC train coaches. The onward journey was…
Wrong Diagnosis
A few months ago, I lost my footing while climbing down the stairs at office. Being unable to walk, resting my arms on a friend’s shoulder I hopped my way to the doctors cabin. The doctor, not taking this seriously,…
Do schools matter?
My schooling was in one of the finest schools in the city. The school focused too much on academics which made me stay confined to books most of the time. Finding time for extra curricular activities, play and going out…
My weight loss journey
Back when I was in college, I had gained a considerable amount of weight. I joined the gym, but I didn’t really see any difference, but it would leave me sore and exhausted. The commute was time consuming and the…
Travel agent bungling
The very first thought that comes to a persons mind when they think of a travel agency, is that everything will be planned perfectly from beginning to the end. However, let me narrate a very bad experience that I’ve had on…
Duped of money!
My grandma had gifted me a pretty little aquarium when I was little. Since then, most of my time would go in feeding the fishes and observing them swimming and circling around the water. At one point however, my mum…