Why do we breakdown infront of the people we love the most?
“Millions of people have decided not to be sensitive. They have grown thick skins around themselves just to avoid being hurt by anybody. But it is at great cost. Nobody can hurt them, but nobody can make them happy either.…
Why is the anticipation better than the success itself?
As they say the “anticipation is always greater than the realization“. Our mind is designed to create perfect scenarios of life, of the future. However, when we actually achieve something that we had been waiting for, the happiness always seems…
Is being single, the worst feeling?
Being Single – The worst feeling? It certainly isn’t. You have all your freedom, your independence. There is no one that you constantly need to answer to. You can live your life the way you want to. You can pamper…
What are some good daily practices/habits to achieve inner peace and develop positive personality?
Life can get hectic and overwhelming at times ,however by implementing small practices we can bring in peace and positivity to an extent. Ways to relax and rewind: Find some ways that work out for you to release stress. It can…
How to deal with terrifically bad moods?
Listen to some really good music. Music never fails at lifting your mood. Share your feelings with your loved one.Who knows,it may make you feel lighter? Hit the gym/Go for a jog/ Zumba /Meditate. Sweating it out may make you…
What are some important things to follow that can give a chance for healthy, happy, stable relationships?
Love teaches you how to be selfless and giving. But,however,a relationship grows stronger each day,only if you stick by a few rules. Here are some: Respect each other. Spend quality time together. Occasional surprises. Be a good listener. Never take…