
Is being single, the worst feeling?

Being Single – The worst feeling?

It certainly isn’t. You have all your freedom, your independence. There is no one that you constantly need to answer to. You can live your life the way you want to. You can pamper yourself by spending all that you earn on yourself. Explore your hobbies and talents as there is plenty of time to contribute towards them. You will have loads of time and can focus on learning and growing in your career as well. So channelize your energies and make use of the time in achieving what you want to. Go ahead and do crazy things, travel a lot and live your dreams!

Mostly, it is the society which puts in those thoughts in our head. But, there is never a necessity to bring in the feeling that being single is the worst. Because more often than not, we cannot be sure how a relationship may turn out to be, after stepping into it. If one is not happy in the relationship, it may lead to the thought that being single would have been better. Relationships bring in a lot of baggage- compromise, sacrifice, commitment & responsibilities.

So just breathe and be happy that life being single isn’t as complicated!

Make yourself so strong emotionally, physically and mentally that you feel complete on your own. After all, we come alone into this world and go alone.


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