What are some good daily practices/habits to achieve inner peace and develop positive personality?
Life can get hectic and overwhelming at times ,however by implementing small practices we can bring in peace and positivity to an extent. Ways to relax and rewind: Find some ways that work out for you to release stress. It can…
How long did it take to lose weight, and how?
Took me a year to lose 10 kilos. Back when I was studying,I had gained weight due to lack of proper exercise and junk food. Though my parents constantly kept reminding me, as to how important it is to exercise,I…
Which attitudes lead to success more often?
We all have the desire to become successful. However each person’s definition of success maybe different.Some may say that, successful for them is having a satisfying job,a good relationship and enough money to pay their bills, while some may associate…
What is the best way to wake up?
These should work: Have a strict routine schedule that will keep your biological clock in order. Sleep on time,wake up on time. Set a song that uplifts you as your alarm tone,wake up soon after it starts ringing. Wake up…