
How can one be happy?

Happiness is about valuing the little things that you have,  the people, the places,  and the events in your life for what they are. Sometimes it’s just about being and appreciating,things around you. Make the best of life.

These are a few small tweaks that will keep you happy and motivated.

1.) Make a journal. Keep aside a few minutes everyday,to make a list of the few things during the day,that you felt grateful about.Little things that made you happy,like helping a friend,laughing over a silly joke or something that you did for yourself.This practice over time ,will definitely change your perspective towards life and you will start appreciating the little things around you.

2.)Do what you love. Keep yourself engaged in some or the other thing which brings the best in you. It can be bringing out your colors and painting a beautiful picture, gardening, cooking, organising or traveling. Treat yourself  to something good ,after a tedious day of work.

3.) Spread happiness. Sharing and spreading happiness just doubles yours,that’s what is believed and it sure is true. Small actions of help, can leave us feeling happy and joyful. Things like, giving a compliment on how someone looks to the feeling that we get when we give a homeless  person some food to eat,can fill our hearts with happiness and contentment.

4.) Learn to appreciate. Enjoy the things around you. Observe and appreciate the positive  experiences of everyday life. Share experiences with people around you.

5.) Preserve souvenirs. Keep souvenirs that would remind you of each experience that you have lived.They would help ,bring back memories later on and relive the happiness.

6.)Be thankful. Lastly be thankful to everything you have. Not many are destined to even have as much as you do. Be happy for the fact that you have a roof over your head,good food to eat, clothes to wear, a steady income and people who love you.  Be thankful that we live in a society where we have the freedom to do the things that make us happy.

Stay positive,stay happy and appreciate the  world around you. Spread joys,happiness and positivity to everyone around.

Most importantly keep smiling.

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